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The essence of PBL is learning around problems / cases rather than discrete
subjects (Savin-Baden, 2000). Students work in groups/teams to solve an ill-structured problem/case and not required to acquire a predetermined series of ‘right answers.’
The Crafting Model
PBL case-crafting Model is a model to be used to craft PBL cases. One of the prominent models is developed by Heung (2006) known as 3C3R PBL case design model. This model is expected to be a framework to design effective, precise and reliable PBL cases. The 3C3R model consists of two classes of components: core components and processing components.
Core components include content, context, and connection (3C), and are used to support content/concept learning; processing components, composed of researching, reasoning, and reflecting (3R), concern the learners’ cognitive processes of learning and problem-solving skills.
PBL -LcCraft
PBL-LcCRAFT is Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Language Case Crafting Model. This model is created as a reference or guide for Language practitioners to craft PBL cases specifically to meet Language Learning aims. This invention is categorized as Education- teaching framework. The study employed the Action Research approach in which the four steps (planning, action, observation and reflect) were closely followed within two cycles of the action research procedure.
A Sample of PBL Case and Materials
In this section, a completed Student’s PBL Log, Task Allocation Sheet and Teacher’s PBL Log are provided as a sample to guide PBL practitioners. The teacher’s PBL Log can be adapted as an assessment rubric based on the teaching objectives.
The essence of PBL is learning around problems / cases rather than discrete
subjects (Savin-Baden, 2000). Students work in groups/teams to solve an ill-structured problem/case and not required to acquire a predetermined series of ‘right answers.’
The Crafting Model
PBL case-crafting Model is a model to be used to craft PBL cases. One of the prominent models is developed by Heung (2006) known as 3C3R PBL case design model. This model is expected to be a framework to design effective, precise and reliable PBL cases. The 3C3R model consists of two classes of components: core components and processing components.
Core components include content, context, and connection (3C), and are used to support content/concept learning; processing components, composed of researching, reasoning, and reflecting (3R), concern the learners’ cognitive processes of learning and problem-solving skills.
PBL -LcCraft
PBL-LcCRAFT is Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Language Case Crafting Model. This model is created as a reference or guide for Language practitioners to craft PBL cases specifically to meet Language Learning aims. This invention is categorized as Education- teaching framework. The study employed the Action Research approach in which the four steps (planning, action, observation and reflect) were closely followed within two cycles of the action research procedure.
A Sample of PBL Case and Materials
In this section, a completed Student’s PBL Log, Task Allocation Sheet and Teacher’s PBL Log are provided as a sample to guide PBL practitioners. The teacher’s PBL Log can be adapted as an assessment rubric based on the teaching objectives.
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